The First 100 Days
Start as you mean to go on
- When making your acceptance speech
- When attending your first meetings
- When getting to know your closest colleagues
- When executing the first important changes
- When developing your first alliances
- When integrating yourself into existing networks
- When drawing a line under your predecessor
- When evaluating the current situation
- When bringing together the new team
- When meeting at the Executive Workshop off site
Per hour EUR 410,00
Per day EUR 3.500,00
Preparation per hour EUR 350,00
All prices exclusive of 20% VAT
In case of cancellation or postponing of the coaching session within 14 days prior to the scheduled day: 50% fee due. In case of cancellation of postponing of the coaching session within 2 days (48 hours) prior to the scheduled day: 100% fee due.
Expenses will be charged for journeys outside Vienna at a rate of 175 Euros per hour travelled, excl. 20% VAT. Travel costs themselves will be invoiced at the going mileage rate or as per the ticket receipt.
All prices valid from 1. 1. 2023.